
fe7341c50ae0ec6be2b7dce3e0d7ba7e15cbb1b1 — Thorben Günther 8 months ago d792220
gotosocial: Update config

0.11.1 release.
1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M roles/gotosocial/templates/config.yaml.j2
M roles/gotosocial/templates/config.yaml.j2 => roles/gotosocial/templates/config.yaml.j2 +18 -0
@@ 905,4 905,22 @@ advanced-throttling-retry-after: "30s"
# 4 cpu = 1 concurrent sender
advanced-sender-multiplier: 2

# Array of string. Extra URIs to add to 'img-src' and 'media-src'
# when building the Content-Security-Policy header for your instance.
# This can be used to allow the browser to load resources from additional
# sources like S3 buckets and so on when viewing your instance's pages
# and profiles in the browser.
# Since non-proxying S3 storage will be probed on instance launch to
# generate a correct Content-Security-Policy, you probably won't need
# to ever touch this setting, but it's included in the 'spirit of more
# configurable (usually) means more good'.
# See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP
# Example: ["s3.example.org", "some-bucket-name.s3.example.org"]
# Default: []
advanced-csp-extra-uris: []

# vim: set ft=yaml: