
db12e29ec769e52fa931c8de2e4b2fbc9287a276 — Thorben Günther 1 year, 10 months ago 9e1abb8
wireguard_vpn_server: Fix handler name

Had the same name as the wireguard handler which caused the wrong
network to reload.
M roles/wireguard_vpn_server/handlers/main.yml => roles/wireguard_vpn_server/handlers/main.yml +1 -1
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
- name: Reload network
- name: Reload VPN network
  ansible.builtin.command: "{{ item }}"
    - networkctl delete wg1

M roles/wireguard_vpn_server/tasks/main.yml => roles/wireguard_vpn_server/tasks/main.yml +1 -1
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@
    - wg1.netdev
    - wg1.network
  notify: Reload network
  notify: Reload VPN network

  # Both interfaces need to be in the same zone explicitly for forwarding to work
  # See: https://firewalld.org/2020/04/intra-zone-forwarding