
e8ebde9a6c26fd323448ac2b274c275f7727c03c — Thorben Günther 1 year, 1 month ago 64e4f6d
ntfy_server: Update config

2.0.0 release.
2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M roles/ntfy_server/README.md
M roles/ntfy_server/templates/server.yml.j2
M roles/ntfy_server/README.md => roles/ntfy_server/README.md +24 -2
@@ 2,8 2,30 @@ Users need to be manually created:

ntfy user add --role=admin xenrox
ntfy user add infrastructure
ntfy access infrastructure infrastructure write-only

Other users:

ntfy user add foobar
ntfy access foobar 'up*' read-only
ntfy user change-tier foobar friend

Create tier:

ntfy tier add \
  --name="Friend" \
  --message-limit=10000 \
  --message-expiry-duration=24h \
  --email-limit=50 \
  --reservation-limit=10 \
  --attachment-file-size-limit=15M \
  --attachment-total-size-limit=1G \
  --attachment-expiry-duration=48h \
  --attachment-bandwidth-limit=5G \

Check access control:

M roles/ntfy_server/templates/server.yml.j2 => roles/ntfy_server/templates/server.yml.j2 +77 -5
@@ 85,6 85,8 @@ cache-startup-queries: |
# - auth-file is the SQLite user/access database; it is created automatically if it doesn't already exist
# - auth-default-access defines the default/fallback access if no access control entry is found; it can be
#   set to "read-write" (default), "read-only", "write-only" or "deny-all".
# - auth-startup-queries allows you to run commands when the database is initialized, e.g. to enable
#   WAL mode. This is similar to cache-startup-queries. See above for details.
# Debian/RPM package users:
#   Use /var/lib/ntfy/user.db as user database to avoid permission issues. The package

@@ 96,6 98,12 @@ cache-startup-queries: |
auth-file: /var/lib/ntfy/user.db
auth-default-access: "deny-all"
auth-startup-queries: |
  pragma journal_mode = WAL;
  pragma synchronous = normal;
  pragma temp_store = memory;
  pragma busy_timeout = 15000;

# If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address
# instead of the remote address of the connection.

@@ 157,12 165,34 @@ smtp-sender-from: noreply@xenrox.net
# manager-interval: "1m"

# Defines topic names that are not allowed, because they are otherwise used. There are a few default topics
# that cannot be used (e.g. app, account, settings, ...). To extend the default list, define them here.
# Example:
#   disallowed-topics:
#     - about
#     - pricing
#     - contact
# disallowed-topics:

# Defines if the root route (/) is pointing to the landing page (as on ntfy.sh) or the
# web app. If you self-host, you don't want to change this.
# Can be "app" (default), "home" or "disable" to disable the web app entirely.
# web-root: app

# Various feature flags used to control the web app, and API access, mainly around user and
# account management.
# - enable-signup allows users to sign up via the web app, or API
# - enable-login allows users to log in via the web app, or API
# - enable-reservations allows users to reserve topics (if their tier allows it)
# enable-signup: false
enable-login: true
enable-reservations: true

# Server URL of a Firebase/APNS-connected ntfy server (likely "https://ntfy.sh").
# iOS users:

@@ 194,6 224,12 @@ smtp-sender-from: noreply@xenrox.net
# visitor-request-limit-replenish: "5s"
# visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts: ""

# Rate limiting: Hard daily limit of messages per visitor and day. The limit is reset
# every day at midnight UTC. If the limit is not set (or set to zero), the request
# limit (see above) governs the upper limit.
# visitor-message-daily-limit: 0

# Rate limiting: Allowed emails per visitor:
# - visitor-email-limit-burst is the initial bucket of emails each visitor has
# - visitor-email-limit-replenish is the rate at which the bucket is refilled

@@ 208,10 244,46 @@ smtp-sender-from: noreply@xenrox.net
# visitor-attachment-total-size-limit: "100M"
# visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit: "500M"

# Log level, can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN or ERROR
# This option can be hot-reloaded by calling "kill -HUP $pid" or "systemctl reload ntfy".
# Payments integration via Stripe
# Be aware that DEBUG (and particularly TRACE) can be VERY CHATTY. Only turn them on for
# debugging purposes, or your disk will fill up quickly.
# - stripe-secret-key is the key used for the Stripe API communication. Setting this values
#   enables payments in the ntfy web app (e.g. Upgrade dialog). See https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys.
# - stripe-webhook-key is the key required to validate the authenticity of incoming webhooks from Stripe.
#   Webhooks are essential up keep the local database in sync with the payment provider. See https://dashboard.stripe.com/webhooks.
# log-level: INFO
# stripe-secret-key:
# stripe-webhook-key:

# Logging options
# By default, ntfy logs to the console (stderr), with an "info" log level, and in a human-readable text format.
# ntfy supports five different log levels, can also write to a file, log as JSON, and even supports granular
# log level overrides for easier debugging. Some options (log-level and log-level-overrides) can be hot reloaded
# by calling "kill -HUP $pid" or "systemctl reload ntfy".
# - log-format defines the output format, can be "text" (default) or "json"
# - log-file is a filename to write logs to. If this is not set, ntfy logs to stderr.
# - log-level defines the default log level, can be one of "trace", "debug", "info" (default), "warn" or "error".
#   Be aware that "debug" (and particularly "trace") can be VERY CHATTY. Only turn them on briefly for debugging purposes.
# - log-level-overrides lets you override the log level if certain fields match. This is incredibly powerful
#   for debugging certain parts of the system (e.g. only the account management, or only a certain visitor).
#   This is an array of strings in the format:
#      - "field=value -> level" to match a value exactly, e.g. "tag=manager -> trace"
#      - "field -> level" to match any value, e.g. "time_taken_ms -> debug"
#   Warning: Using log-level-overrides has a performance penalty. Only use it for temporary debugging.
# Example (good for production):
#   log-level: info
#   log-format: json
#   log-file: /var/log/ntfy.log
# Example level overrides (for debugging, only use temporarily):
#   log-level-overrides:
#      - "tag=manager -> trace"
#      - "visitor_ip= -> debug"
#      - "time_taken_ms -> debug"
# log-level: info
# log-level-overrides:
# log-format: text
# log-file: