
e889abfbf96baa8f9a2613316e37083c1d908dd0 — Thorben Günther 1 year, 6 months ago c12e330
gotify_server: remove

Superseded by ntfy_server.
7 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)

M playbooks/avalon.yml
D roles/gotify_server/files/gotify.conf
D roles/gotify_server/files/override.conf
D roles/gotify_server/handlers/main.yml
D roles/gotify_server/tasks/main.yml
D roles/gotify_server/templates/config.yml.j2
M terraform_hetzner/locals.tf
M playbooks/avalon.yml => playbooks/avalon.yml +0 -1
@@ 46,7 46,6 @@
    - { role: wireguard }
    - { role: wireguard_vpn_server }
    # - { role: uptime_kuma } # docker
    - { role: gotify_server }
    - { role: matrix }
    - { role: coturn }
    - { role: hedgedoc }

D roles/gotify_server/files/gotify.conf => roles/gotify_server/files/gotify.conf +0 -32
@@ 1,32 0,0 @@
server {
    include /etc/nginx/snippets/http.conf;
    server_name gotify.xenrox.net;

server {
    include /etc/nginx/snippets/https.conf;
    server_name gotify.xenrox.net;

    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;

        # Ensuring it can use websockets
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto http;
        proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;

        # The proxy must preserve the host because gotify verifies the host with the origin
        # for WebSocket connections
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

        # These sets the timeout so that the websocket can stay alive
        proxy_connect_timeout 1m;
        proxy_send_timeout 1m;
        proxy_read_timeout 1m;

D roles/gotify_server/files/override.conf => roles/gotify_server/files/override.conf +0 -3
@@ 1,3 0,0 @@

D roles/gotify_server/handlers/main.yml => roles/gotify_server/handlers/main.yml +0 -5
@@ 1,5 0,0 @@
- name: Restart gotify
    name: gotify-server
    state: restarted

D roles/gotify_server/tasks/main.yml => roles/gotify_server/tasks/main.yml +0 -67
@@ 1,67 0,0 @@
- name: Get secrets
    gotify_secrets: "{{ lookup('community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault', 'ansible/data/gotify') }}"

- name: Install
    name: gotify-server
    state: present

- name: Configure
    src: config.yml.j2
    dest: /etc/gotify/config.yml
    owner: gotify
    group: gotify
    # TODO: permissions
    mode: 0600
    # TODO: nginx
  notify: Restart gotify

- name: Create db user
    name: gotify
    password: "{{ gotify_secrets['psql_password'] }}"
  become: true
  become_user: postgres
  no_log: true

- name: Create db
    db: gotify
    owner: gotify
  become: true
  become_user: postgres

- name: Copy nginx conf
    src: gotify.conf
    dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.d/gotify.conf
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644
  notify: restart nginx

- name: Create systemd unit override path
    path: /etc/systemd/system/gotify-server.service.d
    state: directory
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755

- name: Install systemd unit override file
    src: override.conf
    dest: /etc/systemd/system/gotify-server.service.d/override.conf
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644

- name: Start and enable
    name: gotify-server
    enabled: true
    state: started
    daemon_reload: true

D roles/gotify_server/templates/config.yml.j2 => roles/gotify_server/templates/config.yml.j2 +0 -50
@@ 1,50 0,0 @@
  keepaliveperiodseconds: 0 # 0 = use Go default (15s); -1 = disable keepalive; set the interval in which keepalive packets will be sent. Only change this value if you know what you are doing.
  listenaddr: "" # the address to bind on, leave empty to bind on all addresses
  port: 9071 # the port the HTTP server will listen on

    enabled: false # if https should be enabled
    redirecttohttps: true # redirect to https if site is accessed by http
    listenaddr: "" # the address to bind on, leave empty to bind on all addresses
    port: 443 # the https port
    certfile: # the cert file (leave empty when using letsencrypt)
    certkey: # the cert key (leave empty when using letsencrypt)
      enabled: false # if the certificate should be requested from letsencrypt
      accepttos: false # if you accept the tos from letsencrypt
      cache: /var/lib/gotify/certs # the directory of the cache from letsencrypt
      hosts: # the hosts for which letsencrypt should request certificates
#      - mydomain.tld
#      - myotherdomain.tld

  responseheaders: # response headers are added to every response (default: none)
#    X-Custom-Header: "custom value"

  cors: # Sets cors headers only when needed and provides support for multiple allowed origins. Overrides Access-Control-* Headers in response headers.
#      - ".+.example.com"
#      - "otherdomain.com"
#      - "GET"
#      - "POST"
#      - "Authorization"
#      - "content-type"
    pingperiodseconds: 45 # the interval in which websocket pings will be sent. Only change this value if you know what you are doing.
    allowedorigins: # allowed origins for websocket connections (same origin is always allowed)
#      - ".+.example.com"
#      - "otherdomain.com"

database: # for database see (configure database section)
  dialect: postgres
  connection: host=localhost port=5432 user=gotify dbname=gotify password={{ gotify_secrets['psql_password'] }}

defaultuser: # on database creation, gotify creates an admin user
  name: {{ gotify_secrets['user'] }}
  pass: {{ gotify_secrets['password'] }}
passstrength: 10 # the bcrypt password strength (higher = better but also slower)
uploadedimagesdir: /var/lib/gotify/images # the directory for storing uploaded images
pluginsdir: /var/lib/gotify/plugins # the directory where plugin resides
registration: false # enable registrations

M terraform_hetzner/locals.tf => terraform_hetzner/locals.tf +1 -1
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ locals {

    "bot", "faceit", "gamja", "pass", "search",

    "push", "music", "screego", "status", "gotify", "ntfy",
    "push", "music", "screego", "status", "ntfy",

  xenrox_net_cname = {