
9919fb2efcb3e891d2618ea418058fbf40a659f1 — Thorben Günther 1 year, 10 months ago be99731
CI: Run playbooks with ansible-runner

Allows to directly interface with ansible and have a nice human-readable
output while also being able to parse the results of the run. Those
results will be put into a gotify notification when changes have
2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M .build.yml
A misc/run.py
M .build.yml => .build.yml +11 -7
@@ 3,11 3,12 @@ packages:
  - ansible
  - ansible-lint
  - python-hvac
  - python-pip
  - terraform
  - yamllint
  - 1bdb2e5e-045c-43d0-ba8b-997c25f31a43
  - 333ce0ce-fd54-492d-a8b2-508d7deaa8f0
  - b9d3386d-f3fb-41dc-9412-f5dfd7206c3c
  - https://git.xenrox.net/~xenrox/ansible

@@ 31,12 32,15 @@ tasks:
      cd ../terraform_keycloak
      terraform init -backend=false
      terraform validate
  - deploy: |
  - prepare: |
      mkdir -p ~/.ssh
      cat ansible/ssh_host_keys/* > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      set +x
      . ~/.vault-secret
      set -x
      cat .ansible-secrets >> .buildenv
      pip install ansible-runner
      echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.buildenv
  - avalon: |
      cd ansible
      ansible-playbook playbooks/avalon.yml
      ansible-playbook playbooks/fenrir.yml
      python misc/run.py avalon
  - fenrir: |
      cd ansible
      python misc/run.py fenrir

A misc/run.py => misc/run.py +32 -0
@@ 0,0 1,32 @@

import sys
from os import environ

import ansible_runner
from requests import post

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    sys.exit("One playbook needs to be specified.")

playbook_name = sys.argv[1]
playbook = "playbooks/" + playbook_name + ".yml"
r = ansible_runner.run(private_data_dir=".", playbook=playbook)

changes = list(r.stats["changed"].values())[0]
message = "[Playbook]({}) deployed with **{}** changes."
build_url = environ["JOB_URL"]
gotify_token = environ["GOTIFY_TOKEN"]

if changes > 0:
        "https://gotify.xenrox.net/message?token=" + gotify_token,
            "message": message.format(build_url, changes),
            "priority": 7,
            "Title": playbook_name + " status",
            "extras": {
                "client::display": {"contentType": "text/markdown"},