
6cbef2b4164ab313fe89c9e8e810285a95e4c97e — Thorben Günther 1 year, 6 months ago 8085c7d
vaultwarden: Update config

1.26.0 release.
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M roles/vaultwarden/templates/vaultwarden.env.j2
M roles/vaultwarden/templates/vaultwarden.env.j2 => roles/vaultwarden/templates/vaultwarden.env.j2 +6 -3
@@ 245,6 245,10 @@ ADMIN_TOKEN={{ vaultwarden_secrets['admin_token'] }}
## Name shown in the invitation emails that don't come from a specific organization

## The number of hours after which an organization invite token, emergency access invite token,
## email verification token and deletion request token will expire (must be at least 1)

## Per-organization attachment storage limit (KB)
## Max kilobytes of attachment storage allowed per organization.
## When this limit is reached, organization members will not be allowed to upload further attachments for ciphers owned by that organization.

@@ 348,9 352,8 @@ ROCKET_LIMITS={json=10485760}
SMTP_PORT=587          # Ports 587 (submission) and 25 (smtp) are standard without encryption and with encryption via STARTTLS (Explicit TLS). Port 465 is outdated and used with Implicit TLS.
SMTP_SSL=true          # (Explicit) - This variable by default configures Explicit STARTTLS, it will upgrade an insecure connection to a secure one. Unless SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS is set to true. Either port 587 or 25 are default.
SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS=true # (Implicit) - N.B. This variable configures Implicit TLS. It's currently mislabelled (see bug #851) - SMTP_SSL Needs to be set to true for this option to work. Usually port 465 is used here.
# SMTP_SECURITY=starttls # ("starttls", "force_tls", "off") Enable a secure connection. Default is "starttls" (Explicit - ports 587 or 25), "force_tls" (Implicit - port 465) or "off", no encryption (port 25)
# SMTP_PORT=587          # Ports 587 (submission) and 25 (smtp) are standard without encryption and with encryption via STARTTLS (Explicit TLS). Port 465 is outdated and used with Implicit TLS.
SMTP_USERNAME={{ email_secrets['noreply_user'] }}
SMTP_PASSWORD={{ email_secrets['noreply_password'] }}